Presenter Title of Presentation/Workshop Abstract


Mahir Sarıgül



“From Critical Thinking to Thinking Critically: Reflections and Considerations on Its Delivery in EAP settings” This workshop aims to revisit present views and considerations regarding teaching ‘critical thinking’ skills to university students in EAP courses and questions some of the misconceptions as well as introducing strategies through which a more effective delivery can be achieved.

Neslihan Sabuncu

“The “I” In Istanbul: Reflectıons Of Amerıcan Expatrıate Women On The Cıty And On Theır Conflıcts Of Identıty” Drawing from social identity and feminist theories, the study examines experiences of American expatriate women in Istanbul, via a gendered and cross-cultural lens. Results extend research on expatriate identity via a gendered perspective, and particularly on how the confluence of culture and gender shapes identity conflict.
Mahir Sarıgül



“An Anthropological Study Towards Understanding Cosmopolitans and Cosmopolitanism in Istanbul: The Case of Native English Teachers at Foundation Universities”


This presentation aims to introduce a PhD dissertation that focuses on exploring cosmopolitanism and cosmopolitan identity through native English teachers (NETs) working at foundation universities and living in Istanbul.